3/27/2023  Thinking a lot about the beginning of this web project. My friends Eric and Todd have spoke with me a bit about doing a rough draft prior to publishing anything.  Wise words I’d say because myself; being full forward will type directly into the editor without having filtered it at all.. I am going to try not to filter anything out but just keep it simple and honest.. Sometimes that is the best way to approach these things.  Since this is the very beginning there is absolutely no way to tell which direction this will go.  With an open mind and my heart on my sleeve I will just approach it with the same wonder and curiosity that I usually apply to everything, and see what it becomes
                                                                                                         ~73 Tim~


Well here we are late august and again not all the antenna projects are finished yet. I think that is just normal now lol.. all the antenna projects are ongoing and may never be completely finished. I spent most of the summer working on my CW skills and I volunteered to do the POTA meet up for the club coming up September 9th at Bear Brook State park in the afternoon… Tonight though we are doing a foxhunt as a club and Eric N1JUR is running it..His daughter Emma is an amateur radio operator and she is going to be the fox and we are going to try to locate her in Bedford.. Looking forward to this one and Eric lent me his elk antenna to use..



3/28 Check out Winter field day fun from 2023. I am so grateful for all my ham radio buddies we had a lot of fun camping out on Mikes farm..

3/29/2023 Another Wednesday morning I love Wednesday it is the day we do FT-8 Bingo with the club. I also go out to breakfast with my friends from my Ham radio club. The place we go is called Pressed in Bedford NH and the food is really great and all the workers there know us now and are all very nice.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday at last the weekend is here.  Usually on Friday I am the Net control for my club; Granite State Amateur Radio Associations’ nightly net.  So many great friends and nice fellow amateur radio operators join in and we talk about radio and how we spent our days and ask and answer questions talk about current events.  Usually on Friday I am thinking how lucky we are to all have each other and what a great way to end your day talking with friends all together on the radio.



Typing directly into the editor again like a crazy person. Our club moved the VE sessions to the police station in Bedford. I may stop by and see if I can score some coffee and doughnuts :) better get there early if I want some doughnuts though hi hi

I am planning on making another YouTube video soon about using the echo dot as a CW trainer. Alexa seems to be very helpful with that. I think I also will change the wake name to Computer when I do it so that if anyone watches my video I will not awake their alexa. Tomorrow is Wednesday and I get to have breakfast with my Ham Buddies again. I always look forward to that.



Back to typing directly into the editor. I am sure this is not the last time I will do it this way. Sometimes a rough draft keeps me in a good place and sometimes I just gotta ape it into the web. I tried to the Straight Key Century Clubs slow speed saunter today… barely anyone calling CQ I did not wanna be number one, maybe next time I will summon the strength and tap out a QSL. I am going to try again next month and maybe that will be the time..


Did I mention I joined a radio club, Namely The Granite State Amateur Radio Association. Last night we had our monthly meeting at the Bedford High School Library. Typically at our meetings we have a guest speaker who will talk on various aspects of our hobby. Last night we had a couple of speakers who discussed the M-17 project. If you have not heard of this it is an up and coming open source digital mode for amateur radio. I included a link above if you would like to do some reading on this mode. I always enjoy our meetings and my friend Bill who is also our club president always does a wonderful job choosing a speaker for us.


4/22/2023 Saturday

I love Saturday morning getting ready to go to the barn and meet with my radio club, my friends and fellow enthusiasts. I snapped this photo of the isotron antenna 40 and 80 meter I built and dummy mounted in the back yard. The reason I originally bought it was because of a rookie mistake I made doing digital modes. I did not realize all the FT-8 and the such was on USB and my old Kenwood did not auto switch the mode to the correct one so I thought I was not receiving any signals. Welp after fingering it out turns out I did not need this antenna but still thought it was pretty cool for anyone like me who lives in the city and has to think vertically.. I linked the photo to a pretty decent article about the antenna if you would like to read more..

~ 73 ~

VOTA W1AW/1 Operation

4/25/2023 This year the ARRL is having year of the volunteer celebrating amateur radio operators around the country. I am participating by volunteering to operate as a special event station on Sunday April 30th 2023 for two hours I will operate on 20 meters from 10-noon. looking forward to participating.




Memorial day weekend. We had some fun activating Northwood Meadows state park.. Looking forward to doing more park activations in the future.. Field day is rapidly approaching. I am in charge of the food again this year. thinking about the menu and how to make it great for everyone coming… Typing directly into the blog block again lol guess it just happens..



6/17/2023 Saturday

Looking forward to field day this year my Friend Eric is heading up the activities I am thankful for him being so active. I volunteered to do the food again I am hoping if I cover that it will give more folks a chance to operate and not have to think about what they are going to eat :)

Mike was gracious enough to allow us to use his property to set up operations. also for july I volunteered to operate as K2K NH in the thirteen colonies event. Looking forward to all these fun activities this summer..



Field day this weekend really looking forward to having fun setting up remote stations and I am going to provide food services for everyone who is participating. its going to be fun I am going to try to put up a copy of this years menu and lots of photos.


Field day 2023 is over we had so much fun setting up in the field. The guys and girls in our club had a lot of fun and the food went swimmingly. I am so happy to be involved with such a great group got to do some operating this year made a bunch of FT-8 contacts and got to sit in with Tom who is a world class CW operator.. I am learning and hoping next year to be able to make some morse code contacts.
Special thanks to Eric N1JUR for doing such a great job organizing us for field day..


7/8/2023 I made 341 contacts for the K2K Team.

13 Colonies Special Event Station completed


I have always been a fan of MAD Magazine. I love to just keep things

random and fun in here..


I volunteered to be on the communication team for the Pack 10 miler road race this coming weekend.

Looking forward to the experience and also looking forward to volunteering for future events.